Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Inaugural Chat from 8/7: "Connected Educators in NC"

This is a summary from the Inaugural #NCADMIN chat:
(Note: Not every tweet from the chat is included)

#ncadmin I'm going to start w/ Question 1 [Q1] Aug is Connected Ed mon, have you started a new practice to get connected?

I've worked on helping some of our district admins create PLNs.#ncadmin

A1: I have been incorporating the hashtag #gcsk12 to promote connectivity within my own county. #Ncadmin

@davidstegall and I recently led a training in Davie to share PLC process w/ school & district admins. #ncadmin

#ncadmin A1 Yesterday at WCHS was our first faculty meeting...we will be using twitter as a PLC tool this year, goal is 85%

#ncadmin Those of us fairly new to Twitter, how do you feel about getting connected?

A1: The challenge is getting colleagues to begin the process. With limited budgets, establishing a PLN to get connected is vital.#ncadmin

#ncadmin Jeff link our Principal, who is on this chat has a goal of 85% of the faculty to join twitter. Great start I think.

@CraigStyron emailed out to faculty an article that was posted on twitter last night concerning technoogy uses in schools #ncadmin

@LinkJeffery great idea; I have really promoted twitter for my teachers, the challenge lies in how to properly utilize for PLN's.#Ncadmin

Unfortunately, too many admins see the position as the destination. Growth and connectedness must become a priority. #ncadmin

A1: I will be using Edmodo this year as a tool to connect student teachers, cooperating teachers, and University supervisors.#ncadmin

We had our opening meeting for our district and many of our principals shared video links on the power of twitter and FB to staffs#ncadmin

Our instructional facilitators are leading a PD session later this week, and I encouraged our teachers to attend. #Ncadmin

#ncadmin Cumberland uses Edmodo! Lots of groups and discussions! It drove our AdvancEd process

@davidstegall Agreed! I can't speak enough of how my Twitter PLN has made me a better School Leader. #Ncadmin

As an LEA we will continue the practice of a Collaborative Arts PLC between 14 districts' teachers that we host thx2 @jaymelinton#ncadmin

#ncadmin We have a tech instruction facilitator position, I want to use that position to help faculty grow their use of twitter as PLC tool

Great sharing so far! On to Q2: Please share a story how being connected has made an impact on your practice? #ncadmin

@LinkJeffery I'd be glad to have our district instructional facilitator match up with yours to plan some ideas. #ncadmin

@davidstegall @LinkJeffery Definitely sounds like u all r on the same page as far as innovative practice! #ncadmin I hope others see & share

Twitter has been a great tool for idea and article sharing for me. I feel more up to date. #ncadmin

A2: For @jaymelinton and I, twitter has led to published articles, book chapters and training of other districts thx to connections #ncadmin

A2: Twitter connections led to publication of an article & book chapter with @davidstegall#ncadmin

A2: I created my school's first Twitter account, @AshbrookHS, to simply promote the good news of the school. #Ncadmin

a2: as a result, other groups within the school @AshbrookBooster,@AshbrookFB@AshbrookRelay have followed along. #Ncadmin

A2: I've connected w/ others in higher ed via Twitter and shared practices for improving teacher preparation. #ncadmin

I've just started my new school but I plan on continuing using Twitter to connect to my community! #ncadmin

A2: Had the opportunity to co-teach an EdS course w/ IMPACT admins and shared power of Twitter. Many now use Twitter.#ncadmin

Strategy sharing, how many use Twitter to send text messages to community? #ncadmin

Through commenting and sharing on articles, led to sharing of resources and personal contacts from Oregon/Washington area#ncadmin

A2: My list @CSmithGoBlue/ncadmin has hopefully connected those state-wide looking to create a PLN. #Ncadmin

Being an active member of my PLN has allowed me to share middle school education ideas & utilize documents in my new job. #ncadmin

@mccoyderek When you shared that at Pinehurst, I set out to use, but never put into practice- but will. #ncadmin

Using social tools to develop my PLN has allowed me to collaborate & learn from amazing educators across NC & the world! #ncadmin

My PLN allows my blog, along with the blogs of others, to be shared easily with the focus of professional growth and leadership.#Ncadmin

#ncadmin My new staff has expressed an interest, and some anxiety, about learning new tools! I'm sharing this chat to demo the growth impact

Let's keep the conversation going Q3: We hope #ncadmin chat will help u in ur practice - what topics would you like to see covered?

@mccoyderek I hope to provide an informal PD in September to any staff interested in learning. #Ncadmin

#ncadmin My new staff has expressed an interest, and some anxiety, about learning new tools! I'm sharing this chat to demo the growth impact

The ideas, resources and support that I receive daily from my PLN is so valuable to the work that I do everyday! #ncadmin #ce12

@CSmithGoBlue I'm going to be leading PD for tech credit on PLN building! Maybe we could do something statewide thru #ncadmin

Q3: We hope #ncadmin chat will help u in ur practice - what topics would you like to see covered?

By having PLN, I’m not limited to discussing ideas in my district, I can access a group of connected educators across the globe. #ncadmin

#ncadmin master scheduling and empowering teachers in this process. Also, allowing them to see how difficult this is

A3: Support strategies for implementing CCSS and NCES. #ce12#ncadmin

@CSmithGoBlue starting 1st with staff interested is the way to go, takes out fear of unknown, slow wave of curiosity can develop#ncadmin

Q 3- I would like to see more on assessments and the CC. #ncadmin

A future topic could be application of technology into various curricular areas. Best practice of implementation in your building.#ncadmin

A3 Myself and my admin team are so new to this that any topic will be good for us #ncadmin

@nmangum I'm going to walk them slowly #ncadmin BUT I may connect with some others to show impact

A3: I'd love to explore the flipped faculty mtg concept (see @plugusinblog posts

A3: Creative ideas for dropout prevention, ELL strategies, and teacher empowerment ideas are all ideas I'd love to discuss#ncadmin #ce12

A3: Agreed on everything CCSS/NCES; I would like to dIscuss various parts of the NC Teacher Evaluation and rubric. #Ncadmin

A3 Keep them coming! Anybody else interested in alternative discipline, creative scheduling and community partnerships#ncadmin

@ChrisStogdill In our district we gave EVERY employee a technology test & tiered their PD to their level. Put in Strategic Plan #ncadmin

#ncadmin I would like to learn more about ideas to raise graduation rates #Ncadmin

All for flipping the meeting! Any good experience with it? # ncadmin#ncadmin

@CSmithGoBlue: Yes some great events occurring during Connected Educators Month.

RT @mtngirl3323: All for flipping the meeting! Any good experience with it? #ncadmin | I'd love to hear some local success stories

@ChrisStogdill Now our strategic plan states all employees have 2 do at least 4 tech PDs per year that we offer (tiered 2 needs) #ncadmin

@CraigStyron Same here. Do you have a dropout prevention person at HS level? #ncadmin

The idea of flipped meetings sounds very interesting and I would love to hear more about it! #ncadmin #ce12

Flipped Meeting may be a good topic down the road, after we get an opportunity to implement first. #Ncadmin

#ncadmin we have a child and family support team that monitors this. Might need to include all faculty members in this #ncadmin

kelli howe ‏@mtngirl3323
@davidstegall well had a graduation coach. Grant funded # ncadmin#ncadmin

We are looking for some great things with #ncadmin and want to be impactful to more people - any suggestions for reaching more?

@mccoyderek You could ask DPI to send out notice through their listserves. #ncadmin

Just read about flipped faculty meeting...sounds like a good way to empower teachers, makes the admin a facilitator, not dictator#ncadmin

#ncadmin like mr. Link and I posted, make it a big deal at your school. 85% goal. Share articles that r shared here. Sparks interest

@davidstegall: Great idea! Would love to hear more about your PD plan and the response from your employees! #ncadmin

@nmangum For most, like many new things, they were resistant, but w quality sessions they saw value & began implementing. R in Yr 2#ncadmin

My goal for this year is to get my staff to utilize online collaborative tools like twitter and diigo to enhance our PLN's! #ncadmin #ce12

Moving along to our conclusion,Q4: What can we do to reach more people? #Ncadmin

@mccoyderek: I think #ncadmin chat is a great idea! Maybe selecting alt day or time might help draw in more people...Tues is also#edchat

@CSmithGoBlue A4: Someone had a great idea about using the NCDPI list server, and how about NCASA? #ncadmin

#ncadmin What new tool do you plan on exploring this Connected Educator's month? #ce12

I think starting an Edmodo group might be of interest as well, for asynchronous sharing. #ncadmin

All: Your homework assignment is to invite someone to the next#ncadmin chat, and they HAVE to participate. #Ncadmin

I'm gonna share #ncadmin with the other administrators in my district

I'm going to dive into Pinterest! I think its a high interest piece I can capitalize on some teacher's curiosity! #ncadmin

@mccoyderek: Yes! Pinterest is something that many tchrs are already using in their personal lives so it would be an easy segway!#ncadmin

@mccoyderek I agree. Most of your teachers are probably using it already. I'm using it in one of my courses this fall. #ncadmin

Thanks @mccoyderek and CSmithGoBlue for organizing this chat. It's gonna be a great learning experience. #ncadmin

Thanks everyone for participating in our FIRST ever #ncadmin chat! Look forward to many more

Really enjoyed the ncadmin chat tonight. Some really good stuff!

@mccoyderek @CSmithGoBlue: Thanks for organizing! Have a great week! #ncadmin

Everyone have a great evening and week! #Ncadmin

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